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Visitor Guidelines

Any visitor that does not follow the rules will be asked to leave immediately and will not be permitted for future visits. Any resident that does not follow the rules will also be excluded from visits.

Permitted Indoor Visitation

The following guidelines are in place for indoor visitations:

  1. Indoor visitation is ALLOWED AT ALL TIME and for all residents (regardless of vaccination status or outbreak status (However facility can use the discretion of outbreak status to limit visitation as part of infection control prevention during an outbreak)

  2. No appointments are necessary, visitation hours are suggested from 10 AM to 8 PM. Pediatric families are highly encouraged to make an appointment to ensure the visitation room is available.

  3. When a new case of COVID-19 among residents or staff is identified, the facility will immediately begin outbreak testing and encourage limited visitation on the unit.

  4. Facility will hold visitation in the first-floor classroom for residents that are in the room with an immunocompromised roommate or unvaccinated, or designated room in pediatrics, if possible.

  5. Visitors will be screened using the COVID-19 screening tool and temperature check prior to visitation in the designated area. Visitors with temperatures of 99.5 or higher will not be permitted to visit.

  6. Visitors are highly recommended to have a rapid COVID-19 test completed onsite prior to the visit.

  7. Visitors must give written consent on the visit and be aware of the possible risk and dangers of COVID-19 exposure. Indoor visitation guidelines will be given on every visit along with instructions on how to use PPE.

  8. Visitors will be provided instructions on hand hygiene and location of hand sanitizers, provided instructions on limited surfaces touched and will provide PPE with instructions on how to don and doff. Visitors must always have on masks during visitation and PPE must be worn during visitations.

  9. Visitors will complete a questionnaire about symptoms and potential exposure.  The questionnaire shall include at a minimum:  (i) Whether in the last 14 days, the visitor has had an identified exposure to someone with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, someone under investigation for COVID-19, or someone suffering from a respiratory illness; (ii) whether the visitor has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and has not yet met criteria for the discontinuation of isolation per guidance issued by NJDOH and CDC; and (iii) whether in the last 14 days, the visitor has returned from a state on the designated list of states under the 14-day quarantine travel advisory; and (iv) Observation of any signs or symptoms of COVID-19.  

  10. If family members AND residents are both up to date with their COVID-19 vaccine, they may have close contact. A FULLY vaccinated pediatric family member may have close contact with their child but is still required to have on PPE inside the pediatric unit.

  11. Visitors will walk to the designated room or resident’s room if allowed while maintaining social distance from other residents. 

  12. Residents that can tolerate mask must wear it at all times during the visit

  13. During visitations, visitors will be informed to refrain from physical contact with residents and others while in the facility and maintain 6 feet apart from others. Encourage any permitted, screened visitors to practice social distancing with no handshaking or hugging and remaining six feet apart.

  14. PPE, disinfecting wipes, and hand sanitizer will be made available at the designated area

  15. Designated indoor visitation room will be disinfected after every visit by the housekeeping department

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